Pride Month 2022 – Christine de Pizan

Well, I said I was going to share some notes for Pride Month, didn’t I? Here they are. I’d like to start with an amazing author and intellectual: Christine de Pizan, an Italian poet who worked in France at the beginning of the XV Century, is considered one of the first female professional writers and […]

Well, I said I was going to share some notes for Pride Month, didn’t I? Here they are.

I’d like to start with an amazing author and intellectual: Christine de Pizan, an Italian poet who worked in France at the beginning of the XV Century, is considered one of the first female professional writers and have us one of the most important accounts of a transgender character in Medieval fiction.
She indirectly features in my novel because one of the main characters was reading her Livre de la Mutation de Fortune and was forced to leave it behind while fleeing the French court.

Why did I pick her? Easy enough: her Livre de la Mutation de Fortune, authored in 1403, is considered one of the earlier texts featuring gender transition and my novel features a reading on shapeshifting that has a lot to do with self-affirmation.

You can read the whole story on my Patreon profile: it’s free.

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