Tag: Cartoni animati

Ralph breaks the Internet (and my suspension of disbelief)

I kind of liked Wreck it Ralph. Though I’m too young to have enjoyed the arcade lifestyle, I’m nerd enough to enjoy its many references and the general concept of a network of games that are extremely limited in their core and, by comparison, the inner anguish of a character that is very much trapped in his […]


a.k.a. when you name your heroine after a porn star you’re looking for trouble I like cartoons and I’m not ashamed of saying it. At the risk of shocking you, I was a kid too. And, even more shocking, I actually was a girl. Yeah. I know. Therefore not only I like cartoons but I […]

Disney e le danze macabre

È uscita parlando recentemente di Ghost Rider. Ricordate? Ad un certo punto Johnny Blaze sta guardando alla televisione un vecchio cartone animato in bianco e nero, con una danza di scheletri, non sapendo ancora che quella stessa sera finirà a somigliare molto a quella scena. Il cartone è The Skeleton Dance, il primo cortometraggio della […]